Coming Soon!

The Lord has blessed me in His presence to hear His voice and receive Spoken Word, Dreams, Open Visions and Prophetic Psalms. He is now releasing me to go forth with this word and proclaim it boldly and loud. I pray all who hear are blessed and challenged to seek His face.
Like many people today I grew up in a non-Christian home. We attended church occasionaly- at one point for a whole year. Christ was not the center of our home and I lived my life in sin. My siblings and I endured abuse, neglect and rejection. However, we knew that God was real. On my 21st birthday I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart and live forever in me and through me. The Lord in His faithfulness filled me with His Holy Spirit and began teaching me the fear of the Lord and the way of the Lord. Holiness and Sanctification was made clear to me through my Godmother a holy woman of God, as well as faithful men and women of God whom He used to direct and teach me the way of the Lord. I have been blessed to study the word of God daily in His presence. As I sat in the presence of the Lord I began to feel God leading me to write. The Holy Spirit began revealing to me the heart of the Father and so I began to write.
I pray the eyes of the church would truly be opened and that the very words I am led to write will equip the Body of Christ to prepare the way of the Lord in our hearts.
- Andrea N. Lee